Friday, July 9, 2021

Where on Planet Earth Have I Been?

Kinda been asking myself that very question.

But I always know where to look for the answer...tragic documentaries. Watching them right now. Whacks me right back into place, reminding me of exactly who I am and what I need to be doing.

Watched another one recently on "predictive analytics."

I think that's a good starting point for me to be writing about.

Predictive Analytics?

Let's start with something a little more fun. Upbeat! Equally curious! And ironically ...related!


What, you may ask, is that? 6equj5?

Back in the 1970s, a scientist at a space observatory was shocked when a mysterious signal began coming in from outer space. That message? 6equj5! He was so amazed he wrote next to it..."WOW!"

Hence, it subsequently became known as the famous "WOW!" signal...that nobody could ever figure out.

That is, until I did, about a decade or so ago.

Let us play...

What are the odds, I must ask, that a mysterious undeciphered (all those years) signal from outer space would, upon the application of very basic Consciousness physics principles, graph out to the perfect coordinates of ship? A flying saucer?

Say what? It would make perfect sense that advanced "aliens" would test their less advanced earthlings to see how Conscious we are! After all, trust me, the answer would speak volumes!

It was quite an eerie discovery, I must say!

Wanna experience that feeling yourself? Graph it out yourself! Go on, have some fun with it! I'll show you how..

1...Write out 6equj5, and grab a piece of graph paper.

2...Convert all letters to numbers. Example: e is the fifth letter of the alphabet, and hence, 5.

3...Now that you have all numbers, find their "middle way." Ex: 5 becomes + and - 2.5 

4...Plot each number horizontally, vertically down the center of your graph paper.

5...Connect the dots.

Bingo! Or whatever you wanna call it!

Cool, huh?!

Now, about those "predictive analytics?"

UPDATE: July 24, 2021... Predictive Analytics and Sensory Physicality article is now on my scientists blog. See link just above 6EQUJ5 above.

UPDATE, July 20, 2021...

Basic Consciousness Principles I Applied to 6equj5, and Why it Serves as an Important Lead-in Toward a Discussion on Predictive Analytics

Everything is Ultimately Empathy, Energy...and that energy causes frequencyXintensity, which causes patterns, which causes mathematics, concepts, language...where convention gets lost in the stories people tell themselves about those concepts.

Invertedly, language reduces to mathematics > patterns > intensity > frequency > energy > Empathy!


Just looking at 6equj5 several years ago from my natural nonlinear math mind, I could see the shape manifesting from it as starting small, getting larger and larger, and then becoming small again. So that is what suggested a need to graph out what I was recognizing.

Now, what does that have to do with predictive analytics?

I have that article ready to post on my "...for Evolving Scientists" blog, where the answer will be explained.

As quickly as I can, type! I promise the *connection* is pretty intriguing!

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