Thursday, August 9, 2018

Ganesh...Remover of Obstacles

Ganesh, revered elephant of India, "Remover of Obstacles,"** has long been a personal friend of a *Way!*

Seriously!  When I feel down, alone, abandoned, and my *energy* gets stuck, I allow my buddy Ganesh to help me get up and get myself moving! I actually have a lot of fun with it! Like, "today I will remove 47 obstacles" around my home/*home!* :) You know...pick stuff up, put things away, that sort of thing. Tao 47...Within X Without!

I have always loved to observe the math in situations. I counted everything as a small child! No, I am not "autistic," I am highly aware, attentive to the reality of Universal patterns/frequencyXintensity in everything going on, everything it does!  Super duper fascinated the heck outta me as a child! Soooo intriguing! That is how I can detect congealing events, spontaneously locate dead bodies, drive down a road and *see* what is going on around me in buildings/*buildings* I have never, ever been in, that I am simply breezing right on by. Everything is an analogy, a superimposition, to everything else.  It is all happening on layers upon layers upon layers upon layers of multidimensionality. Everything simply morphs into everything else, and yet it is all already said and done.  We sentient beings just haven't caught up with it yet, that's all! It's that discrepancy between Universal Truth and our catching up to it that creates the illusion of Time and Space.

It's stuff like this that bothers me the most, actually, and what I mean by that is this... The Universe ~ already knows ~ how many people are going to die in horrific events! Important Answers modern science is admittedly waiting linear "centuries" for can be *realized* in the NonLinear *Now,* and horrific events not only reveal themselves long before they happen but they reveal themselves in the most incredible detail! Names, dates, faces, places...  And on and on and on...  How on earth can that NOT be important enough for convention and its scientists and emergency services/homeland security folks to WAKE UP for?  I mean, the information is always right there, immediately available, and...they don't want it?

How DARE they NOT want it! They have no right to NOT want it!

(I heard that!)

** Lord Ganesh, in Hinduism, in India

*Way* Too Much Information

I love Taoism (the *Way* things work/Tao Te Ching). Basic truth without all the projected celebrations that only serve to confuse and distance people.  Once folks see cultural ceremony related to Consciousness concepts they tend to use that as reason, an excuse, to assume everything as nothing more than folks' personal "opinions" and nothing important to attend to any further. Trying to guide folks toward the Universal Truth is such a frustrating task.

Trying to accept the reality that ...failure IS an option... is what this new *Clear Path* Interactive Journal is all about.

I just needed a place to write, to ramble away, as that "human being in here." Last fall really hit me hard when I detected horrific physics of the Vegas massacre.  I've said many times that each such *realization* is like the first one ever experienced, because it hits me that hard. At the same time, the little kid in me absolutely adores the physics involved and craves knowing more and More and MORE! :)  As I said, I'm a glutton for punishment. I passionately LOVE observing the Universal Physics in action, the plasticity of Time and Space, the *fabric/tapestry* of the Universe doing what it's doing AS it is doing it!

How can people not see it, I constantly wonder! But I am reminded of the night I personally directly witnessed the International Space Station fly over my home on a pitch dark night in the Pacific, so close I could almost reach out and touch it, it seemed! I could see every detail, so "up close and personal," and it was such a magnificent experience.  They told us when it would be flying over, and I had my whale watching binoculars with me, but I never expected to see it that enormously, in that much detail!  I was all alone, and I wanted to run for the neighbors further up the mountain (ocean fronted), but I knew it would be gone by the time I did.  So there I was, all alone, with the most extraordinary sight to see. And that's pretty much exactly how it feels to recognize in the actual Universal, NonLinear, Translucent, Timeless, Spaceless Physics, what is congealing toward manifestation.

What am I supposed to do with that much information?!  I am soooo off the charts with my *accesses* that it is just way too much information for essentially anyone else around me to process!

Western Psychology can really get lost in itself. It wants you to go around and around and around in your own analogies.  But when the information you recognize as congealing means thousands of people, hundreds of thousands of people (Indonesian tsunami), are going to lose their lives in catastrophic events, it is time to get off that merry-go-round and respect their real world message!  The Universal Physics are NOT "psychobabble!"

When it comes to my ability to communicate my *far more highly evolved accesses* to the every-day world of convention and its authorities, I feel like I am on a little glacier out in the ocean, drifting further and further away, where nobody can hear me or see me, there is such a divide. I can talk until hell freezes over and no one can hear me!  I hear my own self...that's how I realize what is congealing toward manifestation. It doesn't matter how many people I tell or warn, the stuff still happens! The only other thing to do is look away, pretend I am as clueless as convention. But I can't do that! I have never been able to do that. Years ago I did actually try a few times, but it only makes it worse! The information actually comes after me, demanding my attention.

I passionately LOVE observing it all, tracking the math, the patterning, the multidimensional language, the reality and unreality of Time and Space, the Translucent Energy/Empathy!  It is absolutely extraordinary!  And it's all right there!  I feel like a little kid with the most magnificent toy of all, but it's no fun playing with it...all alone!

I am really "raw" right now! I just do NOT want to *know* about anymore catastrophes.

But this is all observable, measurable, teachable physics, zero anything whatsoever to do with anything "psychic" (which I hate people confusing this to!), so the constant reminders from my university and grad school professors that I "have a responsibility to elicit *change* in this world!" really haunt me, and I wholeheartedly agree.  But when the classroom is empty and I am talking to myself... :/