Monday, January 4, 2021

Mental Health, Psychology, Psychiatry, Physics & Consciousness

Well, leave it to collective unconscious convention to naively assume if you're seeing a therapist you must have something seriously wrong with you! Aw, geesh! Doctors cover the entire realm of MIND! Like those full circle rainbows in the Pacific, a pot of gold awaits those who won't settle for anything less. (It just feels like coal sometimes. =/ )

Like Sanskrit "aham" (I am.), first sound when you open your mouth, last sound when you close it. And "in the middle" (Madhyamika)... I. Or, you, as the case may be! Tao 47! WithinXWithout. It is all/Awe, a reflection of yourself. Not just in platitudes, but in actual, very real nonlinear physics.

Clinical psychologists and psychiatrists are, more often than not, very Conscious, Awake, Enlightened, and they use the multidimensional physics, including some of the math, to help their patients. I asked the psychiatrist who diagnosed me as "functioning beyoooond the doctoral level"** starting college when they "figure it out" and he said "around the third year of residency." 

He also said "You would feel all alone in a room full of hundreds of people!" Okay, he's got me there! I have a highly gifted long-time friend who's been known to say thousands! I know the feeling. It's like you're invisible. Comedian Carol Burnett did a skit on her popular comedy show years ago that really resonated with me. She was in a restaurant, and none of the waiters would acknowledge her. When she got up to go get help, they walked right through her, everything they'd been carrying to others flying everywhere. But it's no laughing matter when your basic well-being is being threatened as a result, though. In my case, it has been frighteningly dangerous!

Boy, have I been getting put through the wringer over these last several months, having to fight so hard just to protect and defend myself from conventional social authorities. In hospitals and rehab for months (amputation surgeries, chf, etc.), they became concerned that I was isolating myself more than is comfortable for them. In context, that kinda naturally happens when you buy a huge property in a place you're not from, have never been, followed by 8 deaths in a row in your family. Horses and cows can only do so much! Much different now, but my point is that my nonlinear multidimensional math brain is always already so naturally overstimulated and exhausted observing the Universe in layers upon layers of timeless spacelessness (Whew! What I was born with! Can't so easily just turn it off!) that it's...yes, "exhausting!" (see previous Ganesh article here!) to surround myself with a lot of other people. Highly gifted folks are always creating, always processing, and unfortunately when it comes to nonlinear physics, there's not a ton of people readily available for a lot of collaborating! I remember in college "Exceptional Child" class, the textbook went on and on about how hard it is to even get funding for programs to assist gifted children because people think they already have more than their fair share as it is and don't need anything. 

It has always been a terror of mine to find myself inescapably trapped in the hands of collective unconscious convention, knowing fully well the damage they can do to someone like me. Admittedly, that fear is enhanced by a lifetime of detecting imminent horrific events congealing (EQs, 911, etc), in detail, only to be totally ignored. Convention loves its AFTERmath! =/

"Thrown to the wolves!," I've always called it, left all alone to fend for myself. All of them, only One of me! Doesn't feel very good.***

Confusing Consciousness
In college, I wrote a thesis on the truth/Truth about mental illness in society, about how things are not exactly as they appear to be. I found wonderful support from psychiatrists, in the UK particularly, who were mindful that many folks would far more benefit from classrooms guiding them higher than to be put into institutions. Folks needed help, insightfulness, to untangle all the tangled webs they were weaving themselves into, not drugs and/or institutionalization. Truth is a very powerful antidote!

Jolted out of mindlessly doing "what everybody else is doing," which often happens when events such as September 11th, 2001, etc, suddenly occur, it's usually not very long before millions slip right back into familiar complacency, but many folks are totally derailed when those musical chairs are pulled out from under them. Where do they go next? What is the meaning of life? Why didn't their deities protect them? Basic Trust, established in infancy, gets replaced with anxiety, depression, cognitive difficulties. None of the old "go to" comforts and distractions suffice. And of course what happens when you push water aside? More rushes in! And with it...Universal Truth, the real Reality! Like what happens with meditation! But with no one to help folks understand what is happening to them, things can get pretty scary, neurons and neural pathways entangled, nerves frazzled, attempts to make sense out of senselessness go off the rails! 

Where's a good Consciousness teacher when you need them?! (Uh, right here! =/ I may be missing an arm these days, but everything else is still intact! ;) )

Of course, not every situation is so easily remedied. For folks with physiological/neurological issues, classrooms designed to wake people up to higher reality who find themselves in limbo are not going to be the full prognostic way to go. I am reminded of the work of Dr. Marion Diamond (think brain slices) and her husband (Dr. Arnold Scheibel)'s neuroanatomical research showing how schizophrenia can be seen under a microscope, where healthy neurons are "lined up like little soldiers" vs neurons reflecting physiological chaos/distress.

Consciousness can, however, provide extraordinary insight into the nature and cures of such illnesses as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's Diseases. Years ago I watched programs (like "60 Minutes" and "20/20")  on these with the mindful intent to superConsciously *listen* and observe nonlinearly, multidimensionally, mathematically throughout, for their timeXspace signatures (and took incredibly revealing notes on each). Patients, families and even their doctors had no idea that with every word they said, they were exposing important underlying dynamics involved. Those notes sat on my desk for soooo long, at a time when I was being relentlessly invalidated. One day I simply picked them up and...ripped them up!

Marketing myself has never been one of my strong suits!

Primarily, though, when we're talking about mental health issues, we're addressing everyday life struggles and basic functionality, where the more mindfully *balanced* folks are, the more comfortable they are going to find themselves, and the more meaningfully successful.

Doing the Math, or Work!
As I have previously discussed here, quantum physics, relative to everyday life, simply involves *energy* out of equilibrium, the reality that if the Universe requires a balance of 9 and you behave 6, it is going to bring experiences into your life that force you to confront the missing 3. Behavior (which includes mindfulness, or lack thereof) of 4 will manifest into your life the lack of the other 5. Seven, then 2, and so on... Let's just say the "even"-ing news is very aptly named! There is no escaping the reality of karmic consequences.

It is all about finding your *balance.* Truth vs spontaneity. And in!

Remember this exercise I suggested years ago on *Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness I...for Everyone? Put a rubberband around a pen and tug on it. Your *spirit* is your movement away from your Core (the pen). *Soul* is your movement back toward your Core. Notice the increasing stress you feel as you pull away from the Truth. Notice the relief you experience the more your return to your Core! :) That's why meditation is so healthy for our bodies. They already inherently know their own Truth!

Meditation, of course, helps us to get out of our own way, to move ourselves back toward our inherent, natural equilibrium. Psychiatrists and clinical psychologists quietly use the physics of nonlinearity to assist patients in their rebalancing process.

In my case, just being in the presence of them, in itself, helps me to immediately feel normalized, because it dissolves that painfully awkward divide that traps my energy, knowing people can't hear me, leaving me with no place to go. Psychologists and psychiatrists know the same nonlinear physics I do, just likely not to the level of application I take it (attentively to geological events, societal traumas becoming imminent, or cosmic phenomenology), though they certainly could if they wanted to, but they are excellent in its application to human processes (feelings, thoughts, perceptions and beliefs held, notions, behaviors, and the like). They can follow me beautifully! I find it profoundly comforting that they can often empathically hear me before I say a word! =) In college, a psychiatrist and I were soooo superConsciously aligned with each other that telepathy became an everyday part of our communication. Incredibly intriguing, to say the least (pardon the pun!), to both witness and simultaneously experience the Universal physics in action, from the INSIDE! 

Sad that most folks live out their whole entire lives, never having figured it out. Never allowing themselves to "go there!" Determined to keep their feet on the ground (as with Bastian, in The NeverEnding Story).

Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut, Sometimes You Don't
Sometimes I feel like an (dare I say it? *Sings those 5 notes in Close Encounters of the Third Kind*) alien! There, I said it! ...who has come to this planet with extra-ordinarily advanced information from (inner) space that could, and surely would, change, protect, enhance the quality of life for billions of ...aliens to me! But they just are not ready for it! =/ Most would sooner tar and feather me and throw me off their planet (if only that darned gravity thing would let them!) than allow themselves to LEARN anything they just are not yet *ready* to process. And that's where the problem is! Their whole foundation has just not evolved enough to process at that level, to allow in having that much information. They just aren't *there* yet!

Time and space are really nothing more than the reflective readiness to see the Universal Fabric, or Tapestry, for what it is. They pulse and they flex, they breathe and they morph. When you're Conscious you can actually see that. Seems scientists need those perceived "centuries" to awaken themselves to higher mindfulness. Higher Answers require folks having prepared themselves to allow in information that is new or strange to them (like hairstyles, clothing trends, vehicles...). People need to be *ready* to process all that.

In the meantime, all the unconscious guesswork and distractions are what underlie mental illnesses and life's many stressors and determine quality of life, or lack thereof, for billions of people around the world. The more Conscious/Awakened folks are, the less dutifully locked into what everybody else is doing.

Psychiatrists referenced in my college thesis mentioned earlier also suggested that homeless (hear the analogy?) folks had fallen outside that collective huddle/establishment (becoming misfits) and could really benefit from those classrooms they were calling for, where they would have help from *higher realizers* to help them find their way out of their limbo, having had life experiences that wouldn't let them go back, with no assistance to move forward. Breaks my heart to realize, from a "parade view" perspective, so much of what is going on, have the Answers to help, and not be appreciated as such.

In addition to *Clear Path*....II, for Evolving Scientists blog, there is also *Clear Path*...I, for Everyone for a more personalized experience toward becoming Enlightened, complete with mindful exercises to do in the privacy of your own space. I'll link them when I have a chance.

** Personally hate the "g" word, so I haven't used it all these years/decades (everybody is! Most just haven't figured that out yet! ;) ). But I've been getting so beaten up and beaten down over the last several months that, when I have to defend myself so much, hey...there is nothing/Nothing like the Truth!

*** The movie Knowing perfectly captures what it feels like, and looks like, to be me, where an elementary time capsule is raised and shown that a child accurately had mathematically foreseen every horrific event in detail over 50 years.

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