Om...mmmmgosh, hope you're (not) still sitting there all these months on the edge of your seat, waiting for what I did with this dark chocolate "invention" of mine! Sorry...
Anyway, to finish that thought...
Freeze water in bottles. Then, toss them on the floor a few times to break up the ice into slush. (Gently! I've wrecked a few! :/ ) Add Hershey's dark chocolate baking powder (only 10 calories per Tbsp, very concentrated so you can easily only use half that! Or, double! :p) and your favorite sugarless sweetener! And water, of course!
Shake, and...yum! Like a liquid / slush Hershey bar without the guilt! I mean, come on! You can have 20 to 40 of these chocolate ice slushes for the calories of just ONE Hershey bar!!!! (I dare ya!). :)
Well, make sure you're staying home that day! B/
Okay, okay...speakin' of *One*...
Been hanging on HH Dalai Lama's fb, while trying to get back to my own! And, my blogs.
And, re-watching HH Dalai Lama's 3 day, 9 hour conference with Taiwanese quantum physicists, over and over again, because I can Answer their questions (second half of day 3).
Before that, I was inspired by Discovery Channel's Expedition Unknown's Consciousness seeking "Shangri-La" / "Utopia" (90 mins) episodes (several) and their equally incredible "India's Atlantis," complete with fun street dancing and, well fun throughout!
From those, I began a Shangri-La series on my scientists' blog.
Where I am right now there, with my quantum physics of re-incarnation and past life memories series actually would pretty much be where the Shangri-La series left off.
It's all the same thing, just getting more and more intriguinger and intriguinger...
Is that a word? (Hey, it is Now!!!!) :P
And tinier and tinier and tinier! Hence, "quantum physics," which can very easily be heard (in our context of Consciousness) as when things simply get smaller and smaller until they just can't be ...seen... anymore! (omg, is that where I disappeared to for awhile :? )
Anyway, of course, what do ya do with that *empty space* and how do ya *even* know it's there? Well, that's the point at which sentience begins (sentient/experiencing beings!) As, too! ;)
Fascinating, btw, to reverse that! Think about it for a minute! Oops, time's up! 'Cause that's what's freakin' out quantum physicists...there's no time or space for them to measure anything, which is ...boggling their minds!...
And so is re-incarnation and past life memories!
Those actually have a very common sense explanation!
You'll see!
Something important about us all, that could quite literally change the whole world! If only...anyone would *listen* !!!
Thank you, my precious 20 year special friend, for reminding me what I ...NEED... to be doing!
You and HH Dalai Lama are my best teachers ever!
Thanks, my friend! I reeeeally needed you right now!
PS... I saw that, Dalai Lama! ;) Intriguing book!
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